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Thursday 20 October 2011

My Teaching Philosophy

My believe is that students who are fully engaged in the learning process will not only retain information, but also will be motivated to learn more. Encourage students to take responsibility for learning and to develop a pride for their own work. Implementing intrinsic motivation in the classroom will help foster a passion for learning. I believe in being patient, yet persistent when reaching out to students. Although I will focus on appealing to students’ intrinsic motivations, I will also use a variety of extrinsic motivators when appropriate.I believe exceptional classroom management skills are the foundation for a productive learning environment. When expectations and procedures are clear and consistent, learning can take place. I believe in building a sense of community in the classroom and promoting positive relationships among students and teachers. Students must feel they are in a safe, fair, and comfortable environment where they can equally contribute by sharing and gaining knowledge. I believe all students are capable of learning. My constant goal as an educator is to ensure every student reaches his or her full academic potential. Differentiated instruction will be provided to accommodate all learning styles, abilities, and interests. I believe in using variety of alternate assessments and will provide individual feedback. I will promote an active learning environment where students will be encouraged to interpret, analyze, and predict information. As an educator, I will take advantage of the unique opportunity to teach beyond the mandated standards. I believe the teacher must be an inspirational role model. In order to inspire students, a teacher must establish exceptional classroom management skills, an effective education curriculum and constant motivation. The purpose of education is not only to enable students to become successful in their lives, but also to teach them how to be responsible and positive contributors to society. I will continue to stay inspired by furthering my education through endorsements/advanced degrees and by staying informed about the current educational reforms. My ultimate goal as a teacher is to educate, motivate and inspire students to value lifelong learning.

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