
Welcome Blogger!! This blog is created due requirement of ICT course. I hope this blog can help those in need. Enjoy browsing this blog dude!

Monday 19 December 2011

About ICT

This is my 5th semester where this semester I've registered the Information and Communication Technology in Science (SSI 3013). This course is conducted by Associate Professor Dr Sopia Md Yassin. The instructor of this course is Cik Suziati Ibrahim. She conducts during practical season as she is semester 8 student. For the first time I attend this class, I thought this course only cover about the use of internet. However I was wrong. This course covered everything which can help a teacher in their lecture. This course is totally new to me. I was exposed to C++ programme before this. C++ programme is different in a way that we have to construct our own programme. In this ICT course, I learn about new software like Interactive White Board (IWB), data logging, simulation and modelling, and E-Portfolio. Every presentation in the class, we have to use IWB. Before I entered the class, I did some preparation on how to use IWB. Youtube help me a lot in the process to get know IWB. For this course, our E-Portfolio is very important as the lecturer is going to value our works through E-portfolio. We are exposed to Data Logger where the traditional method of gathering data is replaced with the help of Data Logger. I hope by taking this course I can educate others in the future. I hope I can be a modern and all rounded with technology in the future.

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